God Of Obsidian
By Mac Rogers
Directed by Jordana Williams
You have to cross a bridge to get to Nathan's house. Crossing in is easy. But crossing out - as Alice is about to discover - is almost impossible. GOD OF OBSIDIAN is a dark fairytale about a psychologically abusive relationship, as one woman seeks the story that will take her back across the bridge and set her free.
GOD OF OBSIDIAN will be playing as part of the Cincy Fringe Festival, May 31st - June 5th and then in New York as part of the This is Not Normal Festival at The Brick Theater June 15th - June 30th.

Gabriel's Corner
1425 Sycamore St. at Liberty St.
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Wednesday, May 31st at 9pm
Friday, June 2nd at 7:45pm
Sunday, June 4th at 2:45pm
Monday, June 5th at 7:45pm
The Brick
575 Metropolitan Avenue
Between Lorimer St. & Union Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Thursday, June 15th at 7pm
Wednesday, June 21st at 8:30pm
Friday, June 30th at 7pm
This Is Not Normal:
An Arts and Activism Festival

Tickets $20 available through www.bricktheater.com
or by calling 1-866-811-4111